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The Best Practices For Writing An Effective Advertisement

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Every business needs clients to survive. The primary way to find new clients is through advertising. A good ad generates interest in what you have to offer and carves your brand’s name into people’s minds. It’s not just about shouting your name wherever you get the chance. We live in the digital age and people see dozens of ads every day… and ignore them.

Admittedly, creating the perfect ad is difficult and there’s no magic formula. Nevertheless, there are many useful tricks, notions, and principles that can help you find your way through. We happen to know them and we’re happily willing to share them with you! So stay sharp and get ready to learn how to write a good advertisement.

Businesses need to learn how to create effective ads. Otherwise, they’re just wasting significant amounts of money and time. There are many factors to consider before starting an ad campaign. You have to do a lot of research, think carefully about your message and come up with the optimal ad that stands out. Having creativity in this process is vital to ensure your campaign’s success in attracting your audience’s attention.

Creativity is the secret ingredient every successful brand uses in advertising. To put it in simple terms, when you manage to tell an engaging story of your brand, product, or service, you’ve taken the first steps to make a creative ad. It should be persuasive and also deliver a strong message. Most of the innovative ads we know have a few things in common; they are catchy, and they also represent the company’s goals.


Why is creative advertising vital?

A study has shown that internet users spend about 2 and a half hours daily on social media and messaging platforms. But surprisingly enough, the time you got to attract their attention is about 5 seconds! That is why building and publishing ad campaigns is not a piece of cake. You might lose whatever you’ve gained so far to a lack of creativity in your ads.

For a second, forget your role as a marketer. Imagine opening a browser to look something up on the internet. One of the first things you may encounter is the innumerable ads covering your whole screen. It is clear as the day that not all of these ads will be effective, no matter how much money has been invested in them. That is where creative ads shine and make their way to success.

For a second, forget your role as a marketer. Imagine opening a browser to look something up on the Internet. One of the first things you may encounter is the innumerable ads covering your whole screen. It is clear as the day that not all of these ads will be effective, no matter how much money has been invested in them. That is where creative ads shine and make their way to success. Learning how to write a good advertisement means you’re going to gain the knowledge of making your ads stand out in a world filled with ads that are disappointingly similar to each other.

As we mentioned earlier, creative ads can do a lot more than you think. To build an innovative ad campaign, you should consider three core elements: Awareness, Attraction, and Education.


An innovative ad must be instructive. It should deliver your message to the audience and inform people about your brand.


The first thing a user notices is the design of your ad. Take your time and use the help of professional graphic designers. Pay attention to the colors and their impacts on the users. In addition, you should consider rich content for the ad. Having an attractive cover but being empty inside is the kind of thing you should avoid.



Bear in mind that you are obligated to add value to people’s lives with your ad. When people feel the effort you’ve put in building the content they see, they will get more attracted and, this little process will engage them with your brand or product.

Who are you talking to?

A common mistake that companies make is taking each and every chance they get to spread their name or product to every person imaginable. But people react differently to ads based on many factors. Their age, gender, culture, religion, and many more determine whether they would find interest in your ad or not. Know who you’re talking to before you start talking.

To recognize your target audience, you first need to know yourself. Try asking yourself some simple questions: What is your product or service? What demographic can benefit the most from it? Do their income and interests match what you offer? Finding answers to these questions not only will help you set rational objectives but also utilize the best formats, platforms, and creative to attract their attention.


Ads are like messengers

Remember that ads shape the image of your brand in people’s minds. They highlight your values, showcase your products, and outline why customers should choose you over others. It’s not just about shouting your brand’s existence into faces. You need to convey a memorable, powerful message.

Is it about you or what you offer?

First, you need to decide what the primary function of the ad would be. Is it going to make people aware of your brand or is it promoting a specific product/service? While the latter could do both, brand awareness ads are for the long-term and must be handled differently. Think of it as a projection of your business into deep layers of pop culture.

Tell them about what makes you unique

Focus on what makes your offer unique. Do you provide something that your competitors don’t? Explain it to the viewers. Having even one tiny USP (Unique Selling Proposition) in your ad makes a significant difference for your audience.


Entice the audience

Ads can induce many senses inside viewers. While most of them do pure resentment (surprise!), clever ones appeal to the most basic instincts of humankind and effectively control their minds. The most common trick is creating a sense of urgency. The perfect example would be a limited-time or seasonal offer. Exciting deals and discounts are also very encouraging.

Tailor your language

If you’ve researched your target demographic well, you know what tone resonates with them. Pay great attention to speaking their language and choose the appropriate tone for their age group and gender. Regardless of who you’re talking to with your ad, address your audience directly and use imperative phrases frequently.

Other important things to consider

Now that you have a grasp of the more general and abstract notions of how to create an effective ad, it’s time to talk about the subtler tricks. These simple but crucial tricks help make your ads considerably more impactful.

Encourage the audience to take action

Do not just talk about your brand or product. You need to change the viewers’ stance from passive to active and persuade them to take your desired action. Either it’s clicking through your website, subscribing to a list, or contacting a phone number. Your ad must have a clear call to action and the persuasive language needed to push the audience.


Build up trust and confidence

People don’t trust easily, especially if your brand is a newcomer or has popular and well-established rivals. You need to give them a strong reason to put down their guards and try you out. Instead of insisting too much on your strengths, let people and clients prove your point. Testimonials are a great way to do so. Like it or not, people trust other consumers more than you.

Optimize the hell out of your ads

Make sure every characteristic of your ad matches its type and the delivery platform. A big mistake would be designing an ad (even a good one) and using it on every different channel. While you should use a consistent theme throughout your ads, it’s very important to optimize them based on where the audience encounters them and provide the best user experience for them.

Learn from the best

Coming up with a sure-fire ad idea is definitely challenging, sometimes even impossible! Whenever you feel mentally exhausted or face a dead end when working on your campaign, remember that there are tons of impressive ideas out there that can help you come up with your own. Besides, it’s always beneficial to keep up with the trends in your niche. You can learn what kind of creatives customers resonate with and how you can stay relevant in a competitive market. Check out your most powerful rivals’ ads on different platforms (especially on social media using ad spy tools) and get the most inspiration you can possibly get.

6 thoughts on “The Best Practices For Writing An Effective Advertisement

  1. Kevin A. Clark says:

    Thanks for the tips. They were really helpful. In my experience, writing an effective advertisement is all about refining your message and conveying it to the right person in the right way.

    1. Tamara says:

      your welcome. add effective copies that sell and engaging advertisements to your mixture and by no time you can see a hike in your conversion rates

  2. Rafaela says:

    Writing a good ads is a combination of art and science. there is no magic formula to create the perfect ad. but there is a tip that can help everyone achieve it:

    They quality of a good advertisement directly related to being concise

    1. Tamara says:

      Hi Rafaela
      In addition to being concise having a full stack of tools to help you target the right audience is vital. AdFlex is designed to help advertisers with this aspect of advertising.

  3. Viviana Woods says:

    Writing a good advertising copy is not easy. In fact, you may want to bring in a professional copywriter to help you out, especially if you suspect that your copy may be one of the things preventing you from getting the results you want.

    1. Tamara says:

      Hi Viviana Thanks for your comment. Hiring a professional copywriter might not be a viable option for smaller businesses, but with enough practice and taking advantage of well-proven techniques, writing advertisements gets gradually easier.

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