Maximize ROI With Data From

Millions Of Ads

Discover your competitor’s ad campaigns and strategize with the most valid ad intelligence tool in the market


Trusted by companies from all over the world!

Trusted by companies from all over the world!

Ad Networks

Unique Ads Daily


Total Ads

Find every successful Ad

Access ad data on all advertising networks across the web including Facebook, Native, Google display and TikTok and get insight on their structures

Uncover their Secrets

Get every detail including ad’s target audience, region, targeted interests, engagement and impressions, placement,
creatives, headlines, and much more.

Stay One Step Ahead

Discover a brands entire advertising activity, detailed region, interest, and user targeting to gain an edge in every niche
(Forever Free!)

Use Data to Your Advantage

Find the best audiences and use the most compelling ad copies and landing pages to generate higher revenue and
increase your ROI.

Learn More about every tool

Here’s what our customers say

"Exceptional results with easy and effective UI"

“Unlike other ad spy tools, the user experience is phenomenal and unique. it also delivers exceptional results
with relatively easy and effective UI”

Brian Dorsey
Account manager

"It gave me the perfect solution for my campaigns"

“Honestly, I was surprised with the level of freshness in the data.
All ads are relevant with no errors whatsoever.”

Lydia Balkova
Founder of Rayback Inc.

"Accuracy is the unique feature of AdFlex"

“As an affiliate marketer, the most important element is data reliability. AdFlex has brought together a solid source which has helped my business to grow.”

Alexander Hirsch
Affiliate Marketer

Grow your game with AdFlex

Begin search and witness the vast ability of AdFlex
in finding relevant ads in your niche