Next Level DropShipping

Transform your ad campaigns using the most comprehensive ad spy tool


Access millions of tested and selling ads

Make thriving ad campaigns with proven ideas

Our technology allows us to scrape thousands of Ads daily to provide the latest data on Best selling products

Reach out to the right audience

Use the intelligence from AdFlex ad spy tools to figure out which audience fits which product

Research profitable products and offers

Use the intelligence from AdFlex native ad spy tool to target most suitable products for your audience

Dig into every ad’s landing page

Cut A/B testing costs

Access pre-tested landing pages belonging to well-performed ads across different ads networks.

Download Landing Pages

Receive ads’ landing pages along with all dependencies (CSS, JavaScript) in one folder

Access URL chain

Analyze ad campaigns and reuse the most optimized version of their landing page

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Questions you might have

How does AdFlex help me make better choices for my ad campaigns?

AdFlex fills advertiser’s gap between choosing a profitable ad, and using it in a ad campaign This ability is possible via crawling thousands of webpages and social ads daily and getting precise data on ad networks, publishers, and advertisers.

Am I only able to see ads without knowing their original campaign?

No. AdFlex monitors every campaign created by all advertisers in every network. This feature enables the user to choose the most successful ad from all other ads in a particular campaign.

How can I see ads from ecommerce platforms?

Thanks to the powerful search filters of AdFlex, you can easily find the ads that direct users to ecommerce platforms. Simply select the platform you’re looking for in the “Ecommerce” in the Marketing tab and you’re good to go. AdFlex covers almost all major platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce and more

Is it free to sign up in AdFlex?

AdFlex always offers a free version without the need to upgrade. To use more expert features of AdFlex, you would need to upgrade to a premium plan.

Ready to increase your ROAS?

Try AdFlex now for FREE and enter the elite market!