10X your Native ad campaigns' ROI
Transform your ad campaigns using the most comprehensive native ad spy tool
Get access to millions of tested ad copies
Make thriving ad campaigns with proven ideas
Our technology allows us to scrape thousands of web pages daily to provide the latest data on all native ad campaigns.
- Filter ads based on placement, type and size
- Use pre-approved ad copies with enhanced publishing speed
- Choose the most appealing format for your native ads
- Narrow down search based on impression and timeline
Reach out to the right audience
Use the intelligence from AdFlex native ad spy tool to figure out who your competitors are targeting as audience
- See every ad from popular networks : Taboola, Outbrain, Yahoo
- Analyze ad campaigns from over 60 regions
- Search every ad from you favorite publisher
- Reveal ad campaigns’ OS targeting: Windows, macOS, …
Research profitable products and services
Use the intelligence from AdFlex native ad spy tool to figure out who your competitors are targeting as audience
- Investigate every major affiliate network for trending offers
- Examine successful ads from popular ecommerce platforms
- Reveal competitors’ marketing tools (CMS, Funnel, Trackers)
- Find arbitrage ads from other networks: Google, Bing, Yahoo, ….
Stay ahead of the competition
Reveal your rivals
Find competitors’ complete campaign data including the total number of ads, publishers, popular landing pages, …
Peek into their Secrets
Discover their best practices and proven marketing methods using the most updated native ad spy tool
Improve your brand
Strengthen your ad campaigns using obtained data from your competitors using AdFlex.
Dig into every ad’s
landing page
Cut A/B testing costs
Access pre-tested landing pages belonging to well-performed ads across native ads networks.
Landing page download
Receive ads’ landing pages along with all dependencies (CSS, JavaScript) in one folder
Access URL chain
Analyze ad campaigns and reuse the most optimized version of their landing page
Here’s what our customers say
“Powerful tools for online entrepreneurs”
“Adflex is the artillery gun missing from your armory. Creative and useful features with a great interface”

Founder of Smart Passive Income
“I don’t hate product research anymore”
“The research phase was my biggest nightmare, but with Adflex I do it a lot faster. easier and it’s way more fun”

Affiliate Marketer
“Best boost to your campaign revenue”
“Don’t start your campaigns without a quick research using Adflex. The insights would decrease your testing time and costs. It’s a win-win”

Founder of Blog Marketing Academy
Ready to transform your native ad campaigns?
Try AdFlex now for FREE and enter the elite market!
Questions you might have
AdFlex fills advertiser’s gap between choosing a profitable ad, and using it in a native ad campaign This ability is possible via crawling thousands of webpages daily and getting precise data on ad networks and publishers.
No. AdFlex monitors every campaign created by all advertisers in native ad networks. This feature enables the user to choose the most successful ad from all other ads in a particular campaign.
AdFlex monitors more than 10 networks in 60 countries and crawls thousands of pages daily, adding up to 80000 ad per day.
AdFlex always offers a free version without the need to upgrade. To use more expert features of AdFlex, you would need to upgrade to a premium plan.